Welcome to Haute Stick Lacrosse
We have gone through some major website revisions to make this easier for you to use. It's easy to use and will help you find what your looking for even faster. When you click on a popup menu choice it will open a new window for you to explore. So you can more quickly go where you want and see what we have. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know by e-mail.
We also have added new ways to Securely Buy Authorized Haute Stick Gear & Wear through our new partner Paypal. So not only can we accept Mastercard, Visa, Bank Transfers; but you can also email payment securly through the Paypal Website, backed by all the power of eBay. You can track your package, check you balance and even xxx.
Haute Stick Factory Outlet
The factory Outlet now carries some of our best-selling products, like the Retro Railgun, the Cargo bags, and our overweight T-shirts.
Coaches Corner
Have your coach check out some of the products specially designed for coaching lacrosse. We even have a few special TEAM DISCOUNTS that will save your team money, such as specially embroidered team gear bags.
Haute Stick Lacrosse Special Offers
We are pleased to present to you one of our best internet offers yet! Get a brand spanking new Retro Railgun at a special price. For details on this special offer, Click Here.
Our three special offers:
Cargo Bag
Retro Railgun
Disco Derby
Special Price:
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