Catalyst Foam Basic Instructions
Condition part A and part B to at least 70 F before mixing. Vigorously mix
material in Part A until it homogenizes. Pour part B into Part A and mix for 30 -60 Seconds. Pour foam into place and let cure for at least 20-30 minutes before sanding and cutting. Please use rubber gloves while working with this product!
This foam will allow you to add support and rigidity to shafts without a significant weight increase.
Catalyst Stick Fill A/B is a two component, water blown polyurethane closed foam system. Catalyst Stick Fill A/B does not contain nor release ozone depleting chemicals during it's foam process.
Cured foams of Catalyst Stick Fill A/B demonstrates excellent weight to strength ratio. It provides high flexural strength, thermal stability and adds impact strength to structures supported with Catalyst Stick Fill A/B. Its low viscosity allows easy mixing and pourablity.
Application And Usage
Catalyst Stick Fill A/B can be used to provide internal pressure closed mold wet lay-up or as a light weight core material for molded products. Catalyst Stick Fill A/B's closed cell structure makes it an excellent choice for insulating in cryogenic applications. Catalyst Stick Fill A/B can also be used in acoustical design applications.
Physical Properties
Form and Color Pourable Yellow Liquid
Viscosity Part A = 2,700 - 3,000 CPS at 25 oC
Part B = 900 - 1,300 CPS at 25oC
Specific Gravity Part A = 1.43
Part B = 1.04
Mix Ratio Mix 87 Parts B To 100 parts A By weight
Reaction Rate at 100 Grams
Cream Time 9-11 Seconds
Rise Time 15-20 Seconds
Tack Free time 180-200 Seconds
Pre-Mixing Notes: Condition Part A and B to at least 25 oC. Part A contains fillers thatneeds to be re-dispersed prior to adding Part B. Mix vigorously for about 2 minutes or until Part A is uniform in consistency. Add the correct amount of Part B and mix for approximately 30-45 seconds. Pour into place and let foam cure for 25 minutes before sanding or cutting.
Molding Parameters:
Molded Density 3.8-4.0 LB/Ft3
Linear Shrinkage 0.01-0.03 %
Typical Cure Time 4-6 minutes
Mechanical Properties
Hardness 50 Shore Durometer D, Skin
Flexural Strength ASTM D 790 2,500-3,000 PSI
Flexural Modulus ASTM D 790 44,000-50,000 PSI
Compressive Strength ASTM D 695 1,800-2,000 PSI
Closed Cell % Content ASTM D 2856 84%
Flammability NASA NHB 8060.1method 2 Pass
K Factor Initial 0.130
K Factor Aged 0.162
R Factor Aged 6.78
Packaging And Storage
Catalyst Stick Fill A/B is available in pints, quarts, gallon, 5 gallon , and 55 gallon kits. Use size kits and special packaging requests are also available. Store Catalyst Stick Fill A/B in a cool dry place. Do not store above 30 oC for prolonged period. Catalyst Stick Fill-- A/B has a shelf life of six months from the date of shipment in the same unopened container. Reseal with dry nitrogen if available to prolong shelf life.
Safety Note
This product is for industrial use only. Please review all precautions before using
product. As with all products of the same nature, avoid prolonged inhalation and repeated bare skin contact. Always wear safety goggles and impervious rubber gloves when handling this material. Large mass curing of this product is not recommended for it may produce noxious fumes.
Important Notice
The information contained herein is based on data believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Data and parameters cited have been obtain by Haute Stick using materials under controlled conditions. Data of this type should not be used for specification for fabrication and design. It is the user's responsibility to determine this products fitness for use.
Haute Stick warrants only that this product will only meet the cited parameters within the established conditions. There is no warranty of merchantability of fitness of use, nor any other express implied warranty. The user's exclusive remedy and the manufacturer's liability is limited to refund of the purchase price or replacement of the product within the agreed warranty period.
Haute Stick will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind.
The user should thoroughly test any proposed use of this product and independently conclude satisfactory performance in the application. Likewise, if the manner in which this product is used requires government approval or clearance, the user must obtain said approval.
Determination of the suitability of any kind of information or product fro the use contemplated by the user, the manner of that use and whether there is any infringement of patents is the sole liability of the user.
"do not reseal container if contaminated with water. Internal pressure will accumulate and may cause the container to rupture and or explode. Water contamination will produce carbon dioxide."
"Carbon dioxide
carbon monoxide
isocynate vapors and mist nitrogen oxides and traces of hydrogen cyanide."
"Do not allow water to come incontact with mater. Uncontrolable polymerizationsmay occur."
"No evidence has been develope to indicate that 'mdi' is a carcinogen or that it produces reproductive damage in animals and humans. Mdi has been reported by niosh to bemutagenic to salmonella typhimurium bacteria"
"prepare tooling to be foam. Make sure that it is free of dirt grease and other surface contaminants. Solvent wipe or scuff with mild abrassive of possible. Wear the provide latex gloves before opening the containers."
"Open part 'a' and mix until uniform. Pour the entire contents of the part 'b' into the part 'a' container. Mix vigorously for approximately one minute and pour directly into the tooling. The material will begin to foam within 2 minutes."
"Let foam cure for 30 minutes before handling. Excess foam can easily be trimmed and sanded with a hack saw blade and medium coarse sand paper. Dispose containers and gloves properly. Do not reuse containers."